Reducing VAT on fuels to put us on the road to recovery – COMMENTAIRE EXPRESS | Express a comment | Comment

When seven out of 10 people want the VAT abolished, it cannot be dismissed as the desire of devoted ‘petrolheads’. The government has taken welcome steps to help people heat their homes, but it is essential that car use does not become too expensive for ordinary families. In all parts of the country, a car is simply essential for getting to work, taking the children to school, going to medical appointments and shopping at the supermarket.

But when it costs around £100 to refuel a vehicle, there is a real danger that people’s already strained finances will end up crashing.

Yes, the Treasury would take a hit if it scrapped VAT on fuel, but it would also lose billions if the high costs of running a car forced people to drastically cut other expenses. A vibrant economy needs a mobile population with disposable income.

According to the RAC Foundation, duties, VAT and environmental taxes/charges now account for 47.47% of the price of petrol at the pump. While the UK has one of the highest fuel costs in Europe, we are clearly at a competitive disadvantage.

The poll carried out by Redfield and Wilton Strategies revealed that only 8% of the public opposes reducing VAT to zero. The citizens of this country understand that the Chancellor must balance the nation’s books and they are fully aware of the environmental costs of using fossil fuels, but they are also worried about the cost of living crisis and the challenge that ‘it became to refuel .

Urgent attention is required at the top of government. We must not let the economy stop.

queen of our hearts

Jubilee celebrations should leave the Queen in no doubt that she is an exceptional monarch who is not only respected but loved by a diverse nation.

Whether it was Trooping the Colour, street parties, last night’s pop concert at Buckingham Palace, or the magnificent service of thanksgiving at St Paul’s Cathedral, people seized the opportunity to celebrate Her Majesty’s unparalleled contribution to our country over the past seven decades.

Too bad she couldn’t attend all the events she probably wanted to attend, but her splendid presence was felt at every opportunity.

The Queen brings out the best in people by exemplifying Britain’s best values. Her wisdom, consistency, dignity and pure style shine brighter than ever, and these celebrations demonstrate that she will always have a place in our hearts.